
Creating a fantasy world that looks real but as we all know looks can be deceiving.

Building theatre sets combines my 2 favourite things and that is construction and art. Working in collaboration with designers, directors and actors to create a world, place and time that allows the audience to escape too is very rewarding. During the making sets I get to draw on all my skills, everything from problem solving to working with a combination of materials. In theatre nothing is as it seems, what may look like a solid wall can in fact be moved by one person and what appears to be  a box may open out to be a car. Although with completely different desired outcomes theatre and furniture making have a lot in common, understanding the use and application of materials the function of objects and the safety standards help in determining how and what to build things out of. In theatre every job is different and the requirements of each job also varies but what remains the same is being able to provide what the designer needs in the specified time frame, because as we know ‘the show must go on’.

  • The Shining Path. (JUTE Theatre, Cairns, 2010)
Impossible Dream

One mans dream becomes a reality. This is the true story of Jose Paranella who left his home in Spain and travelled to the far north of Australia where he work tirelessly in the filthy of the sugar cane farms until he saved up enough money to return home to Spain to collect the girl that was promised to him 11 years previous. Unfortunately things had moved on and Jose\'s intended was already married so Jose convinced the younger sister to accompany him back to Australia on one condition, he built her a castle. Jose a man of action and a man of his word set about doing just that. This is his incredible story.


A new Australian take on an old English theme

The Shining Path. (JUTE Theatre, Cairns, 2010)

Two men on a journey to fix past wrongs. This production is the story of a journey, of 2 old mates who are who try to fix past wrongs and discover new paths. The set consists of 5 train carriages that dictate the situation during the production. Designed by Luke Ede this set is colourful and durable as well as being able to pack flat for easy transportation.

Roland Thring

A small boys journey of growing up